Hang something IU-related. My first year at IU went by so fast, I can hardly even believe it, which leads me to believe that the next three will fly by as well. When I look back through my photos taken in my room last year, I am happy to see our cream and crimson decorations.

If yours and your roommate's styles do not exactly match up, tie them together with large scarves or sheets of a mutual color or decoration. These cheap thrift store items can add color to your room and help your two sets of individual belongings appear better-coordinated. Hang them over surfaces such as chairs or clashing bed spreads.

Print out and post pictures of your family, friends, and pets around your room. This not only helps the walls seem less bare, but makes your room feel more like home. Plus, the people in the pictures will be excited to see they are a part of your college experience if they come to visit!

Hang Christmas lights, before Christmas. You will save yourself time once winter comes and finals studying begins, and also brighten up the room with something more interesting than the ceiling light and desk lamps that you are given.

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