As winter break comes to an end, I would like to recap what some of the highlights were. Although I am excited to get back to dancing constantly at IU, I am not as excited about doing homework every day instead of lounging around, watching TV, and visiting friends. From the time I spent at home this holiday season, these are some of the memories that will stand out most.

1. Coming home to my pets. Animals are a luxury, sense of family, and sense of friendship that are often unmanageable at school, and obviously not allowed in the residence halls, but the time you spend missing them at school makes your reunions that much better. My cat, Rocky, would sleep with me every night, take his naps during the day under our Christmas tree, and spend his waking hours entertaining us along with my dog, Molly.

2. Sledding at Dyer Hill. Not only is this my favorite safe spot in Northwest Indiana to go sledding, but this particular time was the first time I was able to see my best friend, Maya, who attends Ball State! We went late at night, and although it was very cold and some of us came out with injuries (including myself), we had a blast.

3. Coming home to a beautifully decorated house. Before I came home, my mom took over what is usually my job of decorating, and this year was the best our house has ever looked! While it was nearly complete, the best part was that our tree had no ornaments when I arrived, as she waited for me to be able to hang them, too. Unfortunately we never ended up getting around to this, so the bare tree did not necessarily remain the best part of the decorations the entire break.

4. Banik Christmas. My family's celebration this year took place on the 27th, which was an awesome change, because it made Christmas last that much longer! I spent an entire day in South Bend, Indiana with my crazy cousins, goofy uncles, wonderful aunts, and adorable nieces and nephews, as well as my immediate family.