Ever since last year, my best friends from Curry 2 and my neighbors from Landes have started a tradition of eating at "Tradish," the Traditional Landes Dining Room at Read. We call this tradition "Candies Family Dinner," "Candies" meaning a combination of our pronunciation of "Landies" and "Curry."

We really are like a family. We sit in the buffet and talk over long dinners about classes, mutual friends, weekends, and the massive amounts of studying we will have to do after we leave the dining hall. If one person gets up, they will offer to refill drinks for others or grab extra napkins, or, towards the end, pick up the classic vanilla ice cream cone for dessert.

The dining room is the perfect place for us all to catch up and laugh, joke, and blow off steam with each other. Every night offers at least one awesome food choice for everyone, no matter what your tastes are like, and the desserts are always delicious, too. Every time I go there with friends, I leave feeling full and happy.
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