Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Art Inside Art

When deciding what to write my blogs on, I try to think both about what readers want to see or know, and what I want to take photos of. Now that it is dark out by the time I walk to evening dance rehearsals, I noticed something that fit both of those descriptions: the IU Art Museum. The sky-scraper of a pole with color-changing LED lights shines onto the white stone walls of the museum to provide a peaceful but vibrant view.

This work of light draws several people each night, whether they are simply taking their own photos of it, or laying on the ground looking up to watch the changing colors, or even using the spot as a place to play music with friends.

As many know, IU's campus is already beautiful enough in the fall, but at night, no matter what the season, 7th Street draws crowds to view the gorgeous light show. If you are scheduling a visit to IU or a campus tour, make sure you leave time for yourself to come back after dark, and see one of the many reasons IU students are proud to be Hoosiers.

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