Finally! After a marathon of classes with no fall break, students prepare to head home for Thanksgiving. After classes finish on Tuesday, we will lug home loads of laundry, whatever homework we have not yet finished, and our appetites for home-cooked food. What we should bring back, though, is also exciting.

Ever since I can remember, I have been obsessed with Christmas; so when my boyfriend brought me to a floral shop completely decked out in holiday decor, I was inspired to remind readers to bring back their winter coats and holiday decorations.

After spending such quality times with family over Thanksgiving, we will be anxious to do it all again for winter break. Decorations in IU's residence halls and on campus are always great this time of year, but having your own in your room cannot be beat. If nothing else, they will make dead week seem a bit more lively and help to lift your spirits throughout the finals stretch.

So remember to bring back your winter holiday decorations from home, and have a happy Thanksgiving and a relaxing, much-needed break!
1 comment:
Great image of your boyfriend.
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