The picture above sums up my Thanksgiving break: full of family, chaos, and love. It also sums up why my family is incapable of taking group photos, but that is a whole different story. My brother and his new family of four came from Arizona to stay with us, as well as my brother and sister-in law from Indianapolis with their two daughters, and my two grandparents from Dover, Tennessee.

I was able to see my nephew, Elek, again, who I am convinced may grow up to be the most handsome boy on earth. Everyone finally met his little brother, my precious nephew, Gavin, for the first time.

In addition to celebrating Thanksgiving, and a little bit of Christmas as my talented family members took turns playing Christmas carols on piano, we also celebrated my niece Lillie's birthday. Although the stomach flu was passed around my family, the company, dinners, and desserts more than made up for it. It was a much-needed relaxing break, and I have never been so happy so see a group of people together in one place before.

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