While laundry may not be the most fun college experience you will have at IU, the bright side of laundry day is the convenience of the facilities.

The smallest laundry rooms in Read have 4-5 washers and 4-5 dryers, and Beck Wing's Large Laundry Room has 7 of each. That's around 22 of each throughout the entire building, in the basement. The laundry rooms are near lounges and El Bistro, so you can find a more comfortable place to read or study if you have a long time to wait for loads.

Washing one load costs $1.50, and drying costs $1.25, but if you use your Campus Access Card, the prices are reduced to $1.25 and $1, respectively. If you're lucky, the day you forget your card or quarters will be the day your friend is there with you to "swipe you," otherwise, the most inconvenient part is running back up and down stairs.

Laundry at college really isn't as bad as you might think as long as you don't let it pile up too high. My advice would also be to wash your clothes any day but Sunday, as it can be harder to find open machines.
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